Four Lions: a joke too far?

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Four Lions: a joke too far?

Post by Ghân-buri-Ghân »

I wonder if anybody here has seen Chris Morris's film “Four Lions”, a “black comedy” about British “Jihadi” suicide bombers? I confess to laughing out loud a fair number of times whilst watching this, but I am also aware that there are some people who have been scandalised that such subject matter could be the focus of a comedy film. So I would like to canvas the opinions of people here. Firstly, for those who have seen the film, what were your impressions, and secondly, to everyone, are there subjects that are too sensitive to be used as the basis for entertainment, and if so, what and why?


Here is the description (with reviews) of Four Lions on the IMDb website.
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Post by Aravar »

I haven't seen it yet but I greatly admire Chris Morrsi previosus satires, such as The Day Today and Brass Eye. He has made some very telling points in the past and I will be interested to see the film.
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Post by River »

I saw the trailer and I'd like to check it out. Assuming it's ever even shown in this here fly-over state, I'd definitely buy a ticket. And if it isn't, well, that's what Netflix is for. You can't laugh and be afraid - we need this kind of satire.
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