Resurrecting Project W.I.N.K.L.E.?

For discussion of the upcoming films based on The Hobbit and related material, as well as previous films based on Tolkien's work
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Passdagas the Brown
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Resurrecting Project W.I.N.K.L.E.?

Post by Passdagas the Brown »

I have always maintained that one of the greatest cinematic missed opportunities in ROTK was Aragorn's arrival on the Pelennor by boat. For me, it was one of the most overtly film-friendly moments in the book, and I had hoped for something more powerfully dramatic in the film.

However, the more I thought about, the more I came to the conclusion that Peter Jackson had also missed a golden opportunity for humor. In particular, I found the change in fortunes relating to the raising of the flag of Gondor on the mast of the lead corsair to be a perfect place for a laugh.

In this context, I am unearthing a short scene from a script I worked on a long while ago, which was part of something called Project W.I.N.K.L.E, hosted by the good people of TORC. That project was essentially a community-driven draft parody script for the LOTR films, which worked off both the books and the films (and rumors about the films at the time), and which includes some entries that are much funnier than my own, especially from the great and glorious Hama (he is missed).

My hope is that the community here at the Hall of Fire might work on a new project W.I.N.K.L.E. script for the Hobbit films. If there is interest, I could start another thread titled Project W.I.N.K.L.E: Hobbit Edition, and go from there. The basic rule is that the entries should be in a rough "movie script" form, try to follow the previous posts chronologically, and be a parody of either the source material or the films (or what we speculate about the films).

But I want to be sure there's interest before jumping in. In the spirit of getting that going, particularly for those of you who are unfamiliar with the original product, here is my sample piece from the W.I.N.K.L.E. ROTK script, titled:

How I learned to stop worrying, and jump in the river
It was even as the day thus began to turn against Gondor and their hope wavered that a new cry went up in the city. In that clear air, watchmen on the walls of the City saw afar a new sight of fear, and their last hope left them.

Looking towards the great river Anduin, the men cried in dismay, for black against the glittering stream they beheld a fleet of ships borne upon the wind, ships of great draught with many oars, and with black sails bellying in the breeze.

The Corsairs of Umbar! The Corsairs of Umbar are coming! It is the last stroke of doom!

At that moment, Éomer looked to the river, and hope died in his heart, and the wind that he had previously blessed he now called accursed.

Thanks, wind. Thanks a lot.

The Hosts of Mordor were enheartened, and filled with a new lust and fury they came yelling at the onset!


The forces of Gondor and Rohan were driven back. Yet Éomer in his hopeless wrath lifted up his sword in defiance of the Corsairs. And then, wonder took him.




And once again the tides had turned. As hope was renewed amongst the Free Peoples of the West, the hosts of Mordor were seized with bewilderment and a black dread fell on them, and many cast themselves in the river. One orc despaired:

ORC: This is terrible. I'm jumping in the river.

And he did so immediately after saying so.

But lo! Another cry had arisen from the battlements.

Wait! The flag of Gondor has been lowered! There now flies the flag of Umbar! We are doomed!



And once again the tides had turned, as hope was renewed amongst the slaves of Mordor. The hosts of the West were seized with fear, and a black dread fell on them, and many cast themselves into the river. One soldier of Gondor said, despairingly:

I don't care if I've got plate armor on, I'm jumping in the river!

And he did so immediately after saying so.

But lo! Another cry had arisen from the battlement!

Wait! The Flag of Umbar has been lowered. The standard of Gondor flies again! There is hope!

GREAT NEWS.…we suppose…

TERRIBLE would seem...

And so the tides had turned once again, as hope was rekindled amongst the free peoples. Orcs and such foul beasts started hurling themselves in the river again.

But lo! A herald cries out once again!

The flag of Umbar flies again! We are doomed!

Soldiers of Gondor then began jumping to their deaths again, as orcs plowed on with new-found, yet somewhat hesitant courage.

But lo, the flag of Gondor was raised again!

ORC (to soldier of Gondor about to jump in the river):
Hey. Flag's changed again. It's our turn to jump in.

And so, the forces of Mordor despaired once again, and began hurling themselves in the river. But once again, the flag of Umbar was raised!

Why don't we all just jump in, for Eorl’s sake?!

Yet at last the ships anchored, and out of the first stumbled the dwarf Gimli and the elf Legolas laughing merrily, and followed by the Lord Aragorn who was shaking his head.

HELLO LADDIES! It's us! Legolas and I thought it'd be a bit of a laugh to switch the banners back and forth. Funny, eh?

Éomer: This time, I'm cutting off his head.

Cue studio laughter
So, who's in?
Last edited by Passdagas the Brown on Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by kzer_za »

Even Peter Jackson doesn't seem happy with the ending of Pelennor - on the commentary, he basically says he doesn't like the Dead but he just feels obligated to use them.

Over the years, I've come to the conclusion that it would have been best to leave the Dead out entirely so you can give Aragorn his human army without adding too many plot points or too many different armies. Have him get the ships some other way, like storming them while they're raiding the coast.
Last edited by kzer_za on Mon Oct 07, 2013 10:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Passdagas the Brown
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Post by Passdagas the Brown »

kzer_za wrote:Even Peter Jackson doesn't seem happy with the ending of Pelennor - on the commentary, he basically he doesn't like the Dead but he just feels obligated to use them.

Over the years, I've come to the conclusion that it would have been best to leave the Dead out entirely so you can give Aragorn his human army without adding too many plot points or too many different armies. Have him get the ships some other way, like storming them while they're raiding the coast.
Though I understand the time constraints, it would not have been too much of a stretch to have Aragorn take the ships with the ghosts, and then rally a human army to occupy the ships and head for Minas Tirith. The passages from the book regarding the Paths of the Dead, and the Stone of Erech, are harrowing and incredibly cinematic. PJ botched the whole thing with silly effects, a ham-handed interaction between Aragorn and the King of the Dead, and the introduction of the scrubbing bubble ghosts on the Pelennor.

It's the shortcut that created the problem, and which ultimately tainted the conclusion to Pelennor, which should have been rousing and emotional. But I would not have cut the ghosts entirely, as it could have been a truly harrowing sequence if it followed the books a bit more closely.

That said, would you be up for contributing to a Hobbit parody script?

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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

I can offer spiritual support, and will read with (hopefully) great enjoyment, but it is unlikely that I will be able to offer much concrete contribution.

I wish Whistler was still here!!!!!11 :(
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Post by Passdagas the Brown »

Voronwë the Faithful wrote:I can offer spiritual support, and will read with (hopefully) great enjoyment, but it is unlikely that I will be able to offer much concrete contribution.

I wish Whistler was still here!!!!!11 :(
Oh yes, Whistler! Is there any way of contacting him and Hama, and asking if they would be interested?
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Post by Dave_LF »

Hobbituk on TORC wro...discovered a similar work named operation T.A.B.A.T.H.A in the months before The Hobbit came out. It's both very funny and prescient.
Last edited by Dave_LF on Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Voronwë the Faithful
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

I can ask Whistler (I am in occasional contact with him), but he has pretty much sworn off messageboarding. Hama joined here long ago, but he never really participated.
"Spirits in the shape of hawks and eagles flew ever to and from his halls; and their eyes could see to the depths of the seas, and pierce the hidden caverns beneath the world."
Passdagas the Brown
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Post by Passdagas the Brown »


Dave - I completely forgot about TABATHA. I imagine something similar, though perhaps leaning closer to book parody, and a little less conscious of the films?

Absolutely hilarious, though, that Hobbituk essentially predicted what the stone giants sequence would be like. Though truth is more ridiculous than fiction, in this case, as he never imagined that PJ would go so far as having the dwarves actually standing on the stone giants themselves!

PJ went so amazingly over the top with parts of AUJ, that I have difficulty believing that it actually happened.
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