Genocide and the Banality of Evil

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Post by MithLuin »

Yes, it is true that the Tutsis were scapegoated. I guess I'm just saying that, for the most part, the Tutsis and Hutus didn't consider themselves as separate groups with ancient hatreds or anything like that. The Hutus were in charge in 1994, and were using fear of Tutsi rebels (who were outside the country) to hype up fear of Tutsis living in Rwanda. I guess....It's a matter of what we're talking about. Ethnicity and culture, history...or economics. In Bosnia, the distinct ethnic groups had different languages and religions, and a thousand year history of hating one another. pretty significant! That is mostly absent in Rwanda - the 'tribal warfare' model being gov't spin more than anything else. The genocide was orchestrated by the majority Hutu gov't, who then claimed they couldn't do anything about it because it was outbreaks of 'senseless violence' at the local level. It was most certainly not. It was political, the gov't fighting the rebels by villifying them and drumming up fear and hatred. wasn't 'suppressed' wasn't that they'd always felt this way. It was more...hey, we're poor and young - let's take our anger out on....the Tutsis! They were scapegoats, and the reasons for that have roots in the colonial's really not like Bosnia.
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Post by axordil »

In Bosnia, the distinct ethnic groups had different languages
Well, that depends on how you define languages. They certainly had different dialects of what was once naively called Serbo-Croatian. But religion was most definitely in the mix, and not just the Islam of most Bosnians: Croatia is predominately RC, and Serbia predominately EO, and that's been banging around for a few centuries too.

None of which invalidates your points. Just adding local color. ;)
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Post by Inanna »

I was not aware about Rwanda at all... thanks for all that info, Mith. I think the Belgians used the the fairly common policy of "Divide and Rule" - the English did that in India, between the Hindus and the Muslims. It resulted in the division of India and Pakistan, extreme bloodshed and riots during the separation, and these riots still keep raising their ugly heads at us, as does terrorism. :cry:

Prior to the English occupation period, there had been ugly instances- during the Mughal invasions - but it was not prevalent at that time. They used it very well, and it worked. Today, it is politicised - by both countries - sometimes within, sometimes without. I wonder if we will ever be free of it.
'You just said "your getting shorter": you've obviously been drinking too much ent-draught and not enough Prim's.' - Jude
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