Muslim Minorities, Racism and Violence - Riots in Sydney

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Muslim Minorities, Racism and Violence - Riots in Sydney

Post by Túrin Turambar »

Time to take the bull by the horns. Why do these things happen?
Nation's day of shame

Luke McIlveen, Kara Lawrence and Peter Trute

THEY called it a day of pride, but it will go down as a day of national disgrace.
Thousands of drunken youths descended on Cronulla, south of Sydney, yesterday to begin the race riots police had feared, and which continued to trigger violence into the night.
By this morning 25 people had been injured and 16 arrested, about 40 cars were vandalised and an Australian flag was burned, as race-fuelled violence spread through Sydney's beachside suburbs.


A full and more detailed article was in today’s Australian:
Revenge attacks in Sydney race war

David King and Dan Box
December 12, 2005

GANGS of youths embarked on a series of "hit and run" revenge attacks across Sydney's beachside suburbs last night after a day of racial violence that saw mobs rampage through Cronulla, in the city's south, bashing anyone of Middle Eastern appearance.

Scores of cars in the eastern suburb of Maroubra had their windscreens smashed and tyres slashed in what police fear is the first sign of retaliation by members of Sydney's Muslim community.

Local MP Michael Daley said the suburb was hit by youths wielding baseball bats and sticks after "a cavalcade of hotted-up vehicles" arrived at 8.30pm.

"They smashed cars and everything they could lay their hands on," he said. "I never thought I would see the day this sort of damage hits this city."

Police, who said it appeared the men were of Middle Eastern descent, said the convoy then moved to the Maroubra beachfront, where several people were injured in an "altercation".

Hundreds of police were last night patrolling the city's eastern and southern suburbs after a day of violence that started when as many as 5000 locals gathered in Cronulla to protest against increasing number of visitors, particularly Muslims, after an attack on a lifeguard last week.

The crowd at North Cronulla started by drinking beer and waving Australian flags. But, fuelled by alcohol and an SMS and email campaign to "bash" anyone of Lebanese appearance, the crowd started chanting racist slogans aimed at people of Middle Eastern origin.

Despite a heightened police presence and a well-publicised threat of prosecution against vigilante behaviour, at least four people were bashed when the crowd attacked anyone they thought was "a Leb".

One Muslim woman was targeted by the crowd and was forced to shelter in a kiosk while an angry mob outside chanted racist slogans, including "kill the Lebs", "kill the wogs" and "go home Lebby scum".

Two ambulance officers were injured when they came under attack from locals hurling beer bottles. Police used capsicum spray, batons, dogs and mounted patrols to control the crowds and to protect those who were being attacked.

At least eight people had been injured late yesterday, including two ambulance officers, one of whom was struck on the head with a bottle. Thirteen people had been arrested, with at least four charged with either affray or assault.

Speaking before the revenge attacks, NSW Police Commissioner Ken Moroney condemned the violence as un-Australian, saying he was "ashamed as a man and as the Commissioner of Police".

"By any test, by any measure, that which we have seen here today is clearly un-Australian," he said. "It's not Australian to adopt a mob mentality and assault women. I have never in all my working days seen anything as un-Australian."

He promised more arrests and defended the police response.

NSW Premier Morris Iemma said the hooligans would face the full force of the law. "The behaviour of the crowd at Cronulla today was disgraceful, cowardly and will not be allowed to continue," he said. "These hooligans have brought shame upon themselves."

Sutherland Shire Mayor Kevin Screiber also slammed the violent crowd and attacked the racist text messages circulating in the area, which called for "Aussies" to retake the beach by joining "Leb and wog bashing day".

Cronulla locals have been tense since last weekend, when a lifesaver was allegedly bashed by two men of Middle Eastern origin.

They claim increasing numbers of visitors from the western suburbs are abusing women and threatening people at the beach. A mass email and SMS campaign called for a rally yesterday to "reclaim the beach".

Throughout the day the crowd surged towards anyone of Middle Eastern appearance. Two young men were chased into a chicken shop, where they hid from a group that smashed a window. The young men were eventually taken away by police.

Far-Right groups, including Australia First, distributed inflammatory literature at the beach, as did skinhead groups.

Australia First NSW secretary Jim Saleam confirmed that his group had been distributing anti-multicultural and anti-immigrant literature at the beach.

Mr Saleam also confirmed the group had helped mobilise people for the demonstration.

Many youngsters said they were attracted to the event by a sense of nationalism, with people bringing flags and barbecues.

They parked their utes at the beach, with stereos blasting.

Tim Gosper, 19, of Menai in southern Sydney, said he and his friends had come to the beach to "support Australia, support our country, throw a barbie and have a good time".

But he was aware of the anti-Middle Eastern sentiment. "I'm not saying all the wogs and the Lebs are that bad, but there's a certain group who harass and cause trouble," he said.

Another man, who called himself Steely, said: "Our women have been told they're going to be raped because they're wearing bikinis. These people try to stop our way of life."

Locals in Maroubra last night reported gangs of Middle Eastern men walking toward the beach, taking sticks and baseball bats to the cars. Others described a battle on the beachfront and around the Maroubra Bay Hotel.

Estimates of the numbers of men of Middle Eastern descent involved ranged from 50 to 200.

Resident Tom Taylor, 26, said "all of these wogs with baseball bats, probably 50 if not more, came flying around the corner".

"One warned me. He said, 'Mate, you better get out'. Then the others shouted, 'Kill him' and started chasing me down the street. Then the Aussies arrived. "They all came out of the pub and drove them back up the street. One of the Aussies got smashed. They jumped on him. I thought he was dead."

I can’t see any real economic drive behind all this (unlike in Paris). It was, purely and simply, a clash of race and culture. What I found especially interesting (and worrying) was the territorial aspect - 'reclaiming the beach' and all.

All political correctness aside, what is going down here? Is it simply that Muslim minorities cannot exist in the west? Or is it just the natural isolationism and xenophobia of working-class Sydney rearing its head? Does this reflect a problem with Muslims or with Australia (or both)? What is the situation with Muslim minorities in other Anglo countries?
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Post by Jnyusa »

Lord M. -

I'm really sorry that no one has replied to this thread yet. For my part, I'm still standing here with my mouth hanging open.

If we could figure out why these things happen we could share a Nobel Prize. But it should be no surprise that all the 'western' nations are going to suffer from this more and more as time goes on.

It's a combination of economy and cultural challenge. Our leadership is unwilling to take on the tough job of assessing the future and telling us what sacrifices have to be made today in order to assure a better future; all our countries encourage immigration to fill low paying jobs and then wonder, a generation later, how it is that the kids of those immigrants who were supposed to stay in their places managed to get college degrees and cheat the rest of us out of high paying jobs; White people in general have an overly-exalted view of themselves, imo .... it is all these factors, plus the fact that people are more violent in the summertime.

I am sorry that Australia is experiencing this in such virulent form. It was that bad and worse when the two Germany's united. The race riots we've had in the US have mostly been started by minorities to protest their own treatment at the hands of others ... but the upsurge of supremicist militias does not bode well for our future.

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Post by JewelSong »

Um....because it's fun to smash things? :shock:

Seriously, I think that riot-mentality is unlike normal behavior. It's as if people suddenly feel like they have been given permission to behave badly. And any cause will do, no matter how unlikely. I doubt that the people who did this damage really give a rat's arse about racial anything. "Taking back the beach!" What a load of horse-pockey.

Put 'em in chains and have them break rocks in a quarry for a year. That should take care of some of the surplus energy. :roll:
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Post by Jnyusa »

Cut to the chase, Jewel!

Seriously, your answer is a lot more level-headed than mine. Mobs do have a mind of their own which is very different from the sum of individual minds so engaged.

Part of me wonders if there isn't that potential boiling just below the surface in all of us. Just needs the right group and the right trigger ... :(

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Post by Sassafras »

Part of me wonders if there isn't that potential boiling just below the surface in all of us. Just needs the right group and the right trigger ..

The mob storming the Bastille.

The Los Angeles Riots after the Rodney King verdict.

The list is endless. Of course we are all capable. The human emotional brain is very primitive and easily dominates the intellectual brain given sufficient pressure. How else can mob mentality be explained? Homo Sapiens is basically a herd animal and it is very difficult to go against the herd when they are in full cry.

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Post by Hachimitsu »

Well I can say at the campus at my school there is a very very very high muslim population and there really hasn't been any major problems. Although, recently one of my group members for a calss told about ladging a complaint with the school because of a discriminatory TA. I have been told the TA ( white man) out and out said to several muslim students in his class that Mid eastern people as a rule abuse women. :rage: (The campus has a high female mid eastern and south asian population). I have been told he also ignores them generally. This guy marks papers. I was quite disturbed. I was releived they lodged a complaint. But there has been no major uh issue. People have been getting along pretty well.

(I am from Canada) ;)
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Post by Túrin Turambar »

More information if anyone’s interested:

The triggers to the riots were complex. In 2000, there were a number of high profile rape cases involving Lebanese men. In the time before the riots, there had been issues with Middle Eastern gangs harassing people at the beach, making offensive comments to women and kicking sand over people. A week before the riots, a lifeguard was bashed by several Lebanese men.

Cronulla is a working class area, and it lost a number of people to the 2002 Bali Bombings. It has been characterized as a ‘white ghetto’ and has a certain history of violence, often motivated by class divisions.

The crowd assembled at the Bali memorial in order to have a ‘demonstration’ against the trouble the gangs were causing. What actually set them off was probably a combination of alcohol, warm weather, too much excitement and a number of radical speakers (racist groups turned up and started giving speeches and handing out literature).

Here’s a more in-depth article.

After that first day, the violence was mostly between Muslim and Nationalist gangs. A few churches were burned as well in the days after the riots. All is quiet now though, but the Police presence in South and East Sydney is heavy.

On one hand, I can understand the frustration that many of the local people felt. On the other hand, of course, I’m shocked by the hatred and indiscriminate violence. Most of all, it’s made me reconsider multiculturalism. How can it be made to work (if at all)?


Finally, a cartoon for a bit of relief:

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Post by Jnyusa »

I take it the Lebanese gangs are the children of those who immigrated to Australia in the 1980's, Lord M.?

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Post by Túrin Turambar »

Yep. No-one ever seems to have any problem with first generation immigrants. The London bombers, the Paris rioters and the Sydney gangs were all born in the countries that they caused trouble in.
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Post by Jnyusa »

But they come from families that were desperate refugees, and might have grown up with a lot of resentment.

Not that this excuses violent behavior, but it's a pattern that seems to recur.

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Post by Túrin Turambar »

Curiously, it isn't refugee children either - just normal, run-of-the-mill migrants.This is what makes it odd - if they were raised in an extremist environment, then you'd understand why they wouldn't appreciate western culture. If they were raised in poverty, then you might understand their resentment. But they were just ordinary kids who went to Australian schools and grew up sorrounded by western culture.
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Post by Voronwë the Faithful »

That is curious. :scratch:
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Post by Jnyusa »

Lord M.,

The children are not refugees; their parents are refugees. From 1970 to the present, Lebanon was invaded by Palestinians fleeing Jordan, by Israel, and by Syria. They've also had a bloody religious civil war and their government has attempted to restructure itself twice to restore religious parity. As you probably know, Beirut was levelled by the Israelis and was rebuilt with Saudi money only in the late 1990's.

The country was successfully multicultural for millenia ... it all started to go bad in 1970 and became increasingly desperate for the Shi'ite Moslems, who live primarily in the south of the country. They are the majority population and have very little representation in the government. It's also a tribalized culture with charistmatic, paternalistic leadership being the only structured governance.

I can easily understand how violent gangs would emerge from this culture once it was transplanted. Again, this is not an excuse but helps to explain, perhaps, why this group does not assimilate. It is probably a matter of honor among the parents that their children continue to view themselves as Lebanese and at least give lip service to the idea of returning one day.

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Post by Túrin Turambar »

that explains it as far as the Lebanese go, but not all of the 'lebs' are actually Lebanese...
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Post by elfshadow »

Such awful and tragic events. :( Though I think things like this tend to happen often with people of "foreign" descent, as has been mentioned. Maybe it's because, unlike the original immigrants, the descendants do want to assimilate into the culture of the place where they were born. Instead, they get the worst of both worlds--they're often not "native" enough for their parents, but the people in the country where they live may not accept them because of their country of origin. It's sad to see the tensions build up so much that violent riots occur.
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Post by Jnyusa »

Lord M. - not all of the 'lebs' are actually Lebanese...

Also correct!

We have a semi-cyclic phenomenon like this in the U.S. in cities with large, concentrated Arab populations, though the violence has been Arab against Arab. The Lebanese tend to take a leadership role in these Arab-American communities ... quite probably because they do come from a more liberal Arab culture, and a culture that is comfortable with 'commerce.'

We've often mused on the cultures that produce successful migrants because they tend to migrate in packs and have a talent for commercial enterprise - Jewish migrants being the quintessence of those who repeatedly pack up everything and start over somewhere new! In the Middle East it is sometimes said that the Lebanese are the 'Jews of the Arab world.' And in southeast Asia it is the Chinese. :)

These are also cultures that attract animosity in the places where they go ... and there's probably a causal relationship between these things. Because the original culture tends to remain cohesive, the migrants are 'visible,' and if they are financially successful (especially during bad economic times) they will be resented.

elfshadow: Instead, they get the worst of both worlds--they're often not "native" enough for their parents, but the people in the country where they live may not accept them because of their country of origin.

True! It seems to take two generations for migrants to consider themselves assimilated, and to be considered so by others. In the U.S., acceptance of the last wave of migrants seems to begin when a new wave arrives!

In the suburbs where I live we have had a significant migration of South Koreans over the last twenty years or so. A few families comes, then bring their relatives, and the relatives bring relatives, etc. to the point where a sizeable and highly visible Korean community exists. They' are probably 10% of the population in our community of 20,000, which is really quite high relative to the percentage of Koreans in the country as a whole. Unfortunately a few of these families were involved in drug trafficking and we had one high-profile multiple homocide here as a result. Since then, the Koreans have been racially profiled by the police and I suspect that they suffer a certain amount of discrimination in housing, jobs, etc. It's as if the community said, "Ok, now you're trouble. There's enough of you here already and we don't want more."

It's really an odd and kind of scary phenomenon to watch unfold. I was telling tp in her thread about legal reform that in this same community, at least in the part of it that lives in my township, there is only one Black family. And a very high percentage of Catholics and Jews ... high enough that the public schools have off on Jewish holidays, and the school district on the sly lets the Catholic schools 'rent' the public school buses.

There are a lot of small tensions that might threaten to erupt if the delicate balance between these cohesive minorities were upset.

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