Move to Middle-Earth

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Post by Alatar »

Good to see you Tom! My Elf Champion is a level 50, and I've only just started my Hobbit Minstrel, so he's about Level 9. That said, my main character still hasn't completed the Epic Quest line. Since I'm playing with a very small group of friends, we only get to progress when all of us are able to make the same night. We just got to the gates of Carn Dum, so as you can imagine its unlikely we'll complete the Epic before Mines of Moria releases.

Incidentally, what do you make of the new Runekeeper class? I can't say I'm too keen on a flashy magic user class in Middle Earth.
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Post by Erunáme »

Gosh Tom, seeing all your screenshots makes me want to play the game so badly!!! Though it seems I won't be able to play in your group Alatar since you've all progressed so far?
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Post by Alatar »

Not at all Eru, as I said, we have secondary Characters, or "Alts" who are lower level.
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Post by Old_Tom_Bombadil »

Alatar wrote:Incidentally, what do you make of the new Runekeeper class? I can't say I'm too keen on a flashy magic user class in Middle Earth.
I think the descriptions of read make it sound pretty interesting from a lore standpoint. (I'm fascinated with Certh and Tengwar.) However, the idea of an adventurer whose only weapons are a pair of stones he/she twirls around and manipulates isn't terribly appealing.

As far as a flashy magic use, LOTRO's Lore-master is quite flashy in its own right so I don't see the Rune-keeper as being too far fetched or outlandish in comparison.

Erunáme, the Rune-keeper and Warden classes are being added for Moria so if you start with one of them you'll be in the same boat as everyone else playing those classes. :)
Last edited by Old_Tom_Bombadil on Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Old_Tom_Bombadil »


To entice you further, Erunáme, here are a few images I took of the Nimrodel area on the eves of Lothlórien during the Mines of Moria beta. (The NDA was lifted today so it's okay for me to disclose them.)


The Falls of Nimrodel with a statue presumably of Galadriel although one supposes it might be of Nimrodel herself.


A close-up image of the statue with the falls behind


A rope ladder leading up to a talan in a mallorn tree.


A view of the talan with Haldir (far right). His brothers Orophin and Rúmil may be found nearby.
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Post by Holbytla »

I almost picked up this game on a couple of occasions. What turned me off was the WOW like controls. I know I know most games are like that, but I prefer actually having to use a controller to play.

I have been playing Phantasy Star Universe for the past couple of years, but it is on its way out. They aren't maintaining the game worth a damn anymore so it has become very frustrating. I keep hanging on though, because I like the interface better than anything I have seen to this point.
It is kind of a grind and no end game really, but there are a lot of aspects I like about it.

Anyway, before I go back to my level 4 WOW character, I am wondering a few things about this game.

What is the population like?
Are groups always needed? Is soloing an option?
What is the in-game economy like? Player shops?
Are hackers/dupers a problem?
Is MOM stand alone or is it an upgrade?
Are the "rares" stupidly rare?
Most importantly, how is the customer service/updates. Is all the content released or do they release things piecemeal?

I have more especially regarding the interface, but I'll ask later.
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Post by Alatar »

I'll try to answer some of these, but I'll be talking about the European servers, so your mileage may vary.

Population on my server is pretty much ideal. Not too crowded, but always people around if you need help. Also, cause I chose a Roleplaying server, they tend to be more helpful and more into the lore.

I play solo most of the time and group with my buddies about once a week for the "Epic" stories. If a Kinsman is on when I'm soloing, we sometimes fellowship just to do Quests we both have.

Economy is weak, honestly. There's no real advantage to crafting as most gear sells for less on the Auction House than the ingredients cost. There are exceptions, but its one of the weakest parts of the game. That said, there's no mods like Bottomfeeder or Auctioneer giving people an unfair advantage.

Hackers/Dupers? Not that I've ever seen

Mines of Moria is available as both a full product or as an upgrade, but its not standalone. You still need to play from 1-50 in Shadows of Angmar, which comes with the Full Version of MoM.

PVP is limited to an area called the Ettenmoors. Its completely voluntary, so you can't get Ganked heading to a normal quest. Ettenmoors is for high level Characters only, but the trick is that you can join as a Monster, (Orc of whatever) and you get a predefined Level 50 Bad guy. You can also bring your own High Level character there.

Rares are, I would say, averagely rare ;)

Customer Service and updates are excellent. Since launch there have been about 6 free content updates, some with whole new Areas. Mines of Moria is the first paid upgrade.

Hope this helps.
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Post by Holbytla »

Mines of Moria is available as both a full product or as an upgrade, but its not standalone. You still need to play from 1-50 in Shadows of Angmar, which comes with the Full Version of MoM.
To clarify, I can buy MOM, play in the original "realm" from 1-50 then I can play MOM all with a single purchase? Oh and what is the online fee?

And thanks. :cheers:
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Post by Alatar »

Yep. As long as you buy the Complete MoM package, not just the upgrade! ... t_id=72242

Thats $39.99 and the online fee varies. Here's the pre-order offer:

Multi-Month: $9.99 per month
Lifetime Sub: $199

The standard monthly LOTRO subscription options (in US dollars) are as follows:

* $14.99 per month
* $41.85 per 3 months
* $77.70 per 6 months
* $143.40 per 12 months
* $299 Lifetime Membership. Lifetime Membership means you'll never again have to pay a subscription fee for LOTRO*!

Obviously, if you get the Pre-order and you think you'll still be playing in 20 Months time, the lifetime sub is a gimme!
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Post by Old_Tom_Bombadil »

What is the population like?

It depends on what server you’re on and the time of day you play. Server populations also tend to peak when new content is added but settle down a few weeks later. I play on Landroval, one of the more populous North American servers and seldom have difficulty with overcrowding.

Are groups always needed? Is soloing an option?

Much of the content can be soloed. All classes are capable of soloing, although a few classes tend to be a little better at it than others.

Raids, obviously, cannot be accomplished without a party. There is one 24-player raid and a few others that are 12-player or 6-player raids/epic quests. I believe that future content will focus on raids requiring 12 players or less. Some quests require a full or nearly full party of 6, while other quests require small groups of 2 or 3.

At present the very best gear is gained by raiding, but the gear acquired through crafting and/or questing is very nearly as good. The legendary weapons offered in the Mines of Moria expansion are acquired through quests that, at least so far in my experience, can be soloed.

What is the in-game economy like? Player shops?

There is an Auction House where players may buy and sell items from other players. It’s very convenient, but I mostly avoid it because prices tend to be inflated. However, some bargains can be had if one shops carefully.

I have grand-masters in all of the tradeskills, but I do not use them to make money. Rather, I use their skills to equip my alternate characters and to make items for friends and kinmates. I personally gain more satisfaction from creating items myself rather than purchasing them at the Auction House. I find that I make more than enough money to meet my needs through questing and performing deeds, i.e., normal daily activities.

Are hackers/dupers a problem?

No. Professional gold-sellers were a bit of a nuisance at one time but recently they seem to have been driven out of the game.

Is MOM stand alone or is it an upgrade?

It is an upgrade.


Yes, for those who choose it. (See Alatar’s answer above.)

Are the "rares" stupidly rare?


Most importantly, how is the customer service/updates. Is all the content released or do they release things piecemeal?

The developers of LOTRO seem to be very sensitive to the needs and desires of their customers, so in that respect I would say that customer service is very good. I have never had any serious technical issues so I cannot comment on that aspect of customer service.

The updates are usually very good and what’s more they’re FREE! For instance, from April ’07 to present we’ve had, I believe, 6 substantial updates that had no additional fee. The Mines of Moria is the first added content that requires an additional cash outlay.

More and more of Middle-earth is opening up to adventurers as updates are added. The content is largely story driven. So while not all of the content has been released, I wouldn’t call it ‘piecemeal’, either.

I bought a lifetime subscription back in April ’07 just before the game was released and have not regretted it one bit. :)
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Post by Holbytla »

Thank you for thise answers. I will investigae further perhaps give it a try.
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Post by Alatar »

Crossposted from TOB:

I've been meaning to mention this actually. I finally got into Moria over the Holidays and its seriously impressive. Its the one area I've seen so far where the Game Devs have managed to completely outstrip PJ and Wetas version from the Movies.

Moria in the Movies was impressive in a vague sort of way, but Moria in the Lord of the Rings Online feels like a genuinely ancient underground city. The sense of scale is there, but also a sense of function. Remember that scene in the Movies where Gandalf lights up his staff and says "Behold: the great realm and Dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf." and pretty much all you can see is a giant cavern with loads of pillars. Then they run off to one side and you have Balin's tomb and the Chamber of Mazarbul. Not really much sense of a City there.

In Lord of the Rings Online, we have lighting from giant phosphorescent crystals, Statues, stairways, bridges, and yes giant caverns with arches. But it somehow "feels" more like a city that was lived in. It reminds me of this passage from LotR in a way the Movies never did:
`There must have been a mighty crowd of dwarves here at one time ' said Sam; `and every one of them busier than badgers for five hundred years to make all this, and most in hard rock too!
Here's a clip showing just one section of Moria, the Flaming Deeps:
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Post by Old_Tom_Bombadil »

Greetings, gamers!

Yes, I'm still regularly playing LOTRO. The big news today is that the European servers are being integrated with the North American servers so that regardless of where you live you can play on any of the servers. I play on Landroval, which is now designated as a Role-playing Encouraged (RE) server. It appears that the Europeans had three Role-play (RP) servers with certain rules in place that are not in place on the other servers.

For those who haven't kept up with the game, after the Mines of Moria expansion, came a southern Mirkwood expansion which features a 12-man raid on Barad Guldur. The raid team gradually makes its way up the tower through various encounters until it reaches the top where they face the so-called Lieutenant of Dol Guldur and his fell-beast. I believe the Lieutenant is supposed to be Khamûl the Easterling, but Turbine cannot use this name since it does not appear in LOTR. (They've likewise had to use pseudonyms for Annatar the Lord of Gifts, who appears in a flash back sequence, and Ost-in-Edhel.)


The most recent expansion encompasses Enedwaith, and the mustering of the Grey Company to join Aragorn in the south.

An Isengard expansion, which will include Dunland, is scheduled to be released this coming Fall.

You'll find my MyLOTRO blog at
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Post by Old_Tom_Bombadil »

Lo and behold the Rise of Isengard expansion is now available for pre-order at! The release date is September 27th.

Highlights include a level cap increase from the current 65 to 75. New areas include Isengard, Dunland, and the Gap of Rohan (but not Rohan proper). There will also be a new 24-man raid against a nemesis named Draigoch. (Draig is the Welsh word for 'dragon', so I'm guessing that's what our foe will be.)

Here's a link for the teaser:
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Post by Old_Tom_Bombadil »

I've been revisiting some of the threads here, lurking about you might say, after a long absence. I have been reminded how much the good folk of this online community love the :salmon: .

This provides me with the opportunity to tempt you all into, as the thread indicates, Moving to Middle-earth. =:)

Did you know, for instance, that in LOTRO we can fishslap one another? It's true!

Disclaimer: No Elves were harmed during this photo session.

Of course the screenshots only tell half the story. The animation is accompanied by a very satisfying sound of fish meeting cheek. SLAP! :D
Alatar wrote:Thats $39.99 and the online fee varies. Here's the pre-order offer:

Multi-Month: $9.99 per month
Lifetime Sub: $199

The standard monthly LOTRO subscription options (in US dollars) are as follows:

* $14.99 per month
* $41.85 per 3 months
* $77.70 per 6 months
* $143.40 per 12 months
* $299 Lifetime Membership. Lifetime Membership means you'll never again have to pay a subscription fee for LOTRO*!

Obviously, if you get the Pre-order and you think you'll still be playing in 20 Months time, the lifetime sub is a gimme!
Alas, the lifetime subscriptions are no longer available and probably never will be. However, you can now play completely free of charge. Turbine, the company that operates LOTRO, now has an à la carte menu that allows you to pay for only what you use outside of the basic offering. They're also currently offering 12-month VIP subscriptions at the discounted rate of $99.99. Such a bargain!
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Post by Old_Tom_Bombadil »

The latest news from The Lord of the Rings Online is the announcement that the Riders of Rohan expansion will be released this Fall. (Click below to see the announcement.) As many of us had hoped, it will include mounted combat! :horse:


Alatar wrote:Here's a clip showing just one section of Moria, the Flaming Deeps:
One intrepid fellow made a very detailed post on the LOTRO forums displaying The Fellowship's Path Through Moria complete with maps and screenshots. It's quite impressive!
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Post by Alatar »

That link is wonderful Tom, thanks. I've seen all those locations before of course, but never tied to the text like that.
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Post by Old_Tom_Bombadil »

The Riders of Rohan expansion is now available for pre-order. The pre-order will be available through September 2nd. The expansion goes live on September 5th.

Click to see the trailer on YouTube.
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Post by Old_Tom_Bombadil »

It was announced yesterday morning--Official Discussion: Riders of Rohan news from Kate Paiz--that the release of the Riders of Rohan expansion has been moved from September 5th to October 15th:
Thanks to some great efforts from beta players, we’ve identified issues that we think need to be addressed before we can launch. In order to address those issues and meet our expectations for quality we’re going to need more time. As a result, we’ve elected to delay our launch to October 15th.
Those who have preordered will be receiving some additional freebies:
As a result of the delay, players who have pre-purchased The Lord of the Rings Online: Riders of Rohan will receive 500 Turbine Points and a goodie bag of consumables. Points will be awarded automatically and a code will be sent to players that have pre-purchased Riders of Rohan, The code will be redeemable from around September 5th to any account that has pre-purchased by that date.

The goodie bag will contain the following items –

100% XP Boost (1hr)
Slayer Deed Accelerators x1 (60 min)
+20% Renown (3 hours)
+20% Mount Speed (1 hour)
Tome of Defence
Scroll of Finesse
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Re: Move to Middle-Earth

Post by Alatar »

Ok, so 10 years later, we finally make it to Mordor! And yeas, that lifetime Sub Mrs Alatar bought me turned out to be a godsend! ... expansion/
It takes a long time to travel to Mordor. 10 years, apparently, because a decade after MMO The Lord of the Rings Online [official site] released it’s getting its sixth expansion, transporting players into the shadow of Mount Doom.

It’s a big one, too, adding more than 300 new quests and a new allegiance system through which you can align yourself with one of the factions trying to get a grip on Mordor. It’s out 31st July.

It will cost you £29.99/35,99€/$39.99 to tack it onto the free-to-play main game. Which is quite a lot of money for an expansion, if you ask me – although it’s the same price as the last expansion, Helm’s Deep, which came out in 2013.

There are two more expensive versions that will net you a new High Elf race, extra character slots and exclusive cosmetics – have a gander at them here.

You’ll be able to buy the expansion from the in-game store, but only after an update due this winter. That’ll cost you 2495 LP, and 1000 LP for the High Elf race.

It’s always been a game I’ve been curious about but never played. It’s got very positive reviews and a massive, massive world map, but the prospect of starting something that big from scratch terrifies me. This is probably more one for those who already have the game, and just want more of it.

I can’t offer you a trailer, but I can offer you an hour of gameplay from Mordor, posted on the game’s official YouTube channel late last month:

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