Soccer: for Ireland, not such a beautiful game . . .

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Soccer: for Ireland, not such a beautiful game . . .

Post by vison »

Hand ball and offside player get France through to World Cup.

I was listening to the play-by-play, and the announcer said there was a French player offside and then, all of a sudden, a goal and immediately the shock of it being off a hand ball. It was blantantly a hand ball. Why can't they play another game?
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Post by Griffon64 »

I just watched it on video. Yep, that was blatantly a hand ball. You can see him reaching for it, lightly brushing it to keep it in play, and then quickly moving his hand ( which forms part of his pass, almost ). The poor goalie was just pleading.

Has a sports match ever been replayed because a cheat threw the final result and the refs didn't pick it up?
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Post by TheEllipticalDisillusion »

“Hansson ought to avoid travelling to Ireland ever again,” reads the headline of his Thursday column.
And one Swedish referee, Anders Frisk, was forced into retirement after receiving death threats following his decision to send off Chelsea’s Didier Drogba during a 2005 Champions League match against Barcelona.
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Post by Alatar »

Its absolutely gutting. The outcry has been unbelievable, not just in Ireland but from all over the world. The problems is that FIFA want the big teams in, and thats France, not Ireland. Thats not a conspiracy theory, just a simple monetary fact.

Its heartbreaking for Irish fans, mainly because we were such underdogs. Nobody expected us to play France at home and win, but we played them off the field on the day. We deserved our result, and Henry should hang his head in shame.

What lesson does this teach kids? Its ok to cheat so long as you don't get caught! So much for the "Fair Play" campaign. Its been set back 20 years by this if FIFA don't step up to redress the balance.
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Post by vison »

What struck me was the French player saying "I didn't mean it!" As if that made it okay!!!!!!!!!!!

I've watched a zillion soccer games and the refs call hand balls when the kids are 7 years old and it REALLY IS an accident. The hardest thing for little kids to learn when they learn soccer is to NEVER touch that bloody ball with their hands.

Well, I was cheering for Ireland. I shoulda bin wearing me lucky scarf that Varda sent me the last time.
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